Beto 4 President

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Clearing up the Confuzion about Socializm

Everybody in the great Democrat Party is about Socializm now. We all agree it’s the only way to go. The whole planet needs it like yesterday. So what’s the problem? What not everybody agrees about is what Socializm is exactly.

They make it too complicated. Some people have a long list of what it is. That’s not necessary. When you have lists, people start arguing about what’s on your list and what’s not on yours that’s on theirs and so on. Not necessary.

Beto doesn’t have a list. Because he knows that Socializm is exactly what it says. It’s about Socializing, being Socialized, and Socializing the heck out of all the evil Facists. Why we need to keep working all the Social Networks and using them to Socialize with everybody like crazy.

Socializm. It’s simple. Got it? Then get out the vote for Beto.

Beto 4 President

I think we can all agree we need a new president. How about Beto?

We’re going to do everything possible here to make that happen.

We’ll explain why he’s better qualified than the other candidates in the Democrat Party. We’ll explain why he’s so much better than That Man. We’ll show you the far seeing vision of a great hope for the Future. Beto.

From time to time, we may offer some direct criticisms of the other candidates. This is a necessary part of campaigning. We don’t mean anything personal by it. Okay?

Okay. Keep watching here for new entries about the best candidate for President ever.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Educational Qualifications

Education is important. It’s not everything, but it’s important. For example, don’t you think a President should have went to college? Of course you do. Beto went to college. Maybe you knew that. He did. What you maybe didn’t know is that none of the other candidates went to college! Mr. Biden, Mr. Sanders, and Mr. Warren are too old to have went to college. There weren’t any colleges back then. And the candidates who identify as a female — Mses. Kamala, Kirsten, and that other one didn’t go to college because they didn’t let females or TGs into college back then. But Beto went to college.

That Man didn’t go to college. You look it up. He says he did. There’s your proof. Everything That Man says is a lie.

You can see how we have the Education box checked. Checked good.

Clearing up the Confuzion about Socializm

Everybody in the great Democrat Party is about Socializm now. We all agree it’s the only way to go. The whole planet needs it like yester...